Prof. (Dr.) Arun Kumar Shukla
Ph.D, MBA (Marketing & Finance) B.Com, AMFI
Professional Experience - 20 Years Presented paper
in International Conference at IIT Delhi Presented
various International & National level Research papers.
Panelist for 'UCO Bank' Research projects for State
Development Report, Govt. of Tripura and Health & Family
Welfare, Govt. of U.P.
I wish to thank you for showing interest in IISE Group of Institutions, Lucknow. We have been providing quality education in Management, Information Technology, and Media for the past 27 years and over 5000 students have excelled through IISE Group of Institutions since its inception in 1991.
Integral & Innovative Sustainable Education College (IISE College) under the umbrella of IISE Group of Institutions is affiliated to University of Lucknow offering BBA, BCA, B.Com. & BJMC courses. The curriculum & pedagogy offered by University is always updated & incorporates new developments in the field of Management, IT & Media.
To facilitate enriching and life-turning experience for students, we have Centers of Excellence to enhance domain specific research and training among members of faculty and entrepreneurship among students. Our faculty makes substantial contribution to the academia through quality teaching, publications, seminars, conferences, etc. The corporate interactions including corporate supported projects undertaken by our students, under faculty supervision provides a close hands-on experience to our students as part of our curriculum.
Through the competent Corporate Resource Cell (CRC), we expose our students to the understanding of the dynamics of professional corporate culture. Continuous up-gradation on the basis of expert talks and feedback from industry has distinguished IISE as an institution of distinctive and competitive advantages. Corporate networking and mentoring have developed our students and improve their place-ability scores by aligning their Knowledge, Skill & Attitude with the key requirements of the job market. It is our perennial drive to offer quality education with world class exposure and to build capability of our students. As a prospective student, you are welcome to explore options that may be available to you in our various academic programmes and please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information. If you represent a business organization and are seeking any information on our students, our activities, etc., you are welcome to contact us and we will be too happy to explore initiatives of mutual interest.